Monday, April 27, 2009

Afternoon Chit Chat...

The twins love the outdoors just like Parks! They are so happy kicking back, relaxing and having a little afternoon chit chat (baby style)! They love hanging out in their bouncy seats, on a big blanket and their bumbos! You can always find the biggest smiles on their faces when they are outdoors!! You can actually find them smiling just about anywhere for that matter...these girls smile at just about anything...even a paper bag blowing down the street! And they both have their very own distinct smile and laugh...thats another way we tell them apart. Love my happy babies!!


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Most everyone that isn't family or close close friends thinks my girls are identical and yes they do look a LOT alike BUT Nick and I have gotten to wear we know them by sound now... each one has their own babbling, their own laugh, their own cry, and their own little toothy smiles! Y'all are looking good!
